1. cloudUtil::cloudms2
    Benchmark data set for cloudUtil
  2. protViz::AA
    AA - amino acid table
  3. protViz::ADPR.annotation
    ADP Ribosylated Peptide
  4. protViz::ADPR.lim
    ADP Ribosylated Peptide
  5. protViz::ADPR.ms2
    ADP Ribosylated Peptide
  6. protViz::HexNAc
    HexNAc - Analysis of N-HexNAc glycopeptides by LC-MS/MS, using HCD and ETD fragmentation techniques
  7. protViz::averagine
    averagine - a data set conatining isotope envelopes of averagine peptides
    matrix|8 x 791
  8. protViz::fetuinLFQ
    fetuinLFQ - A data set for evaluation of relative and absolute label-free quantification methods.
  9. protViz::iRTpeptides
    iRT peptides - independent retention time peptides
  10. protViz::iTRAQ
    iTRAQ - A small 8-plex iTRAQ data set with confident identified peptides from 5 proteins.
  11. protViz::msms
    A data set containing tandem mass spectra of an LCMS experiment.
  12. protViz::pgLFQfeature
    pgLFQfeature - A data set with a featuremap export ProgenesisLCMS
  13. protViz::pgLFQprot
    pgLFQprot - A data set with a featuremap export ProgenesisLCMS
  14. protViz::pressureProfile
    NanoLC pressure profile
  15. recmap::SBB
    jss2711 data
  16. recmap::Switzerland
    jss2711 data
  17. recmap::UK
    jss2711 data
  18. recmap::cmp_GA_GRASP
    jss2711 data
  19. recmap::mbb_check
    jss2711 data
  20. specL::iRTpeptides
    iRT peptides - independent retention time peptides
  21. specL::ms1.p2069
    ms1 mass
  22. specL::peptideStd
    Peptide standard
  23. specL::peptideStd.redundant
    Peptide standard